In the App, we have organized the Possible Club Picks by member--and so each member may delete their own Possible Club Picks by tapping the "edit" button and then tapping the "x" on the book cover.
Then tap the "X" button next to the books you'd like to remove, and tap "done" when you are--you guessed it--done!
If you are an Admin/Club Secretary, and want to Remove Every Member's Possible Club Picks: can do that on the website: on the Possible Club Picks tab, click on "remove this book" under each book.
Note: you'll also be removing the vote tally for that book. If you add it back, the vote count will be 0.
(If you do not see "remove this book" that means the person who added you to the club page removed your admin access--and you can only view meetings and members. Contact you club admin to change your status or email us.)
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